



Beejpoorti  Farms Fresh A2 Desi Cow Milk

dedication, our buttermilk is a refreshing elixir that captures the essence of purity and tradition. Sourced from indigenous Desi cows cherished for their superior A2 milk, our buttermilk is a testament to Chandigarh’s rich agricultural heritage.

Every sip of our buttermilk is a journey through the lush landscapes of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula, where our cows roam freely, grazing on nutrient-rich grasslands. Rich in probiotics and essential nutrients, our A2 Desi Cow Buttermilk not only cools and hydrates but also supports digestive health.

Experience the unparalleled freshness and flavor of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula with our A2 Desi Cow Buttermilk – the perfect choice for those who seek the purest and most nourishing dairy products.


When making buttermilk, we adhere to the custom. Pure desi cow milk from pastures in the forest is used to make our buttermilk.


We leave curd to sit overnight before churning it into butter. Churned butter is extracted, leaving pure and authentic buttermilk.


When producing buttermilk the old-fashioned way, we always churn the curd, remove the butter, and eat what is left over.


Our original buttermilk has a deep scent and tastes amazing. It’s beneficial and heals a lot of illnesses.

Health Benefit

  • Contains all the key macronutrients. It is a complete food.
  • Provides cooling impact on digestive tract.
  • Helps with digestion and heals a variety of gastrointestinal ailments.
  • Good source of vitamins such as vitamin D and B12.
  • Controls acidity lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Rich in probiotics that enhance gastrointestinal health.


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